[Introspective] gotta go back in time...

Andrew Wong andreww@unforgettable.com
Tue, 31 Dec 2002 04:29:16 -0000

Sorting out my old email from the late 90s - well, I'm in mid-Wales, not
much else to do round these parts - stumbled across this old email I wrote
which, I think, heralded the first UK-based Introspective meet for the PSB
Savoy concerts back in 1997 I think. The actual date of this email has been
lost in the digital ether...

Anyway, read (if you want) and enjoy, see if it provokes any memories. Or
gasp. And does anyone have the
drunken photo that was taken at the pub we all ended up at in the hazy
summer of 1997, which started with Blair winning the election, PSB doing a
Savoy tour, and then ended with Diana's death?

Andrew, 2003 model

Andrew Wong wrote:
> I'm surprised there hasn't been a major uproar from Introspecters
> about the rumoured PSB concert, and that people aren't battling for
> appropriate dates and floor space, that sort of thing either...
> But anyway, if the rumours hold true, the concert is from June 5th to
> 14th. Which is a bummer to me because my American girlfriend (who I
> see, oooooh, twice a year) will be over for the first week in June,
> and I'm not sure our relationship could stand to hosting a bunch of
> obsessed as-high-as-you-can-get-on-legal-substances Introspecters
> endlessly discussing the latest obscure remix and the state of Neil's
> hair :)
> So ... if Introspective is going to try and meet up for one huge
> meeting, may I suggest the closing night of the concert / show, June
> 14th? It's a Saturday, so people could fly over for the weekend if
> they wanted to, and if I remember my theatrical traditions correctly,
> the last night is always the better one to go to. (or maybe it's the
> first night, in which case I'm buggered...)
> Discuss, and send your answers on a postcard to:
> Andrew Wong                               E-mail:
> andrew@bookpages.co.uk Web Developer for Bookpages
>                Tel: +44 (0) 1753 891 595 Bookpages - Your Personal
>                        British Bookstore http://www.bookpages.co.uk