[clamassassin-discuss] rar files
adsx at gmx.de
Mon Nov 15 06:00:31 PST 2004
hi there,
i am using clamav (newest), clamassassin (newest) and evolution as email
client. while receiving emails the virusscan is working properly, except
for .rar files. i modifed the clamassasin script with the following
options to enable the external unrar support of clamscan:
CLAMSCANOPT="--no-summary --stdout --mbox --unrar --
the "log" option is working properly and writs to my choosen txt-file,
but the "unrar" option isnt working.
when i try a clamscan --unrar via shell it is working properly.
what am i doing wrong?
many thanks for helping me out,
andre fischer
berlin / germany
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