[trash-talk] other bad g lyrics

Queen Helen fanclub queenhelenfanclub at yahoo.com
Thu May 12 11:24:47 PDT 2005

Shirley: "I wanted to write about the chaos the world is in as governments keep wanting to meet violence with violence." (Rip&Burn)
Kerrang: Another target in her sights is the macho nature of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. 'Boys Wanna Fight' suggests that the need to wage war to solve problems is a distinctly male approach to foreign policy. Is [Shirley] seriously suggesting that a female administration would use diplomacy?
Shirley: Yeah, I absolutely do believe that. If it was a female administeration I dont believe we would have gone to war for something that we didnt really know was a threat. In really large issues it's always men who want to use their brawn. There are occasionally girls who will fight physically, but generally it's not their way to solve problems. (...) Don't get me wrong, when I talk about fighting I do mean physical fighting. Women are aggressive, but in non physical ways. I actually think it would be a lot healthier if women did physically fight in some instances, but instead they tend to use their mental capacities to inflict mental torture on other human beings. (laughs)"
I read a few more articles talking about the song and explaining more but I cant remember which they are.

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