[Introspective] printing mistake

John Turpin justified_type at mac.com
Thu Mar 26 12:49:03 PDT 2009

At 8:15 PM +0100 3/26/09, Lidia tennant wrote:

>Neil & Chris please speak with emi to distribute more copies because 
>if I receive tomorrow the e.mail saying the albums cant be dispached 
>because emi didnt send the copies I am going to explote! and you 
>know how I am when i explote!!!!!

Dear me, we wouldn't want you to "explote". So it's EMI's fault that 
this retailer is delayed, and it's EMI's fault that iTunes started 
selling the album in a week when sales are mysteriously not charted?

It wouldn't surprise me if PSB and EMI are familiar with your 
hysterical outbursts, and they have probably advised their security 
staffs accordingly.

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