[Introspective] Final results of poll on color of next PSB album cover

Wayne Studer psbfan at earthlink.net
Sat Jul 12 22:02:55 PDT 2008

The final results are in for my survey this past week, in which I asked my 
site visitors to choose what they believe will be the predominant color of 
the cover or packaging of the next Pet Shop Boys album. And the color that 
received the most votes was:

* white, picked by 20.6% of the voters.

To see the complete results, please visit my "Commentary" site at 
http://www.geowayne.com/psbhtml.htm and click the "Past Survey Results" 
button in the left navigation bar.

A few people said that they considered that a rather dull or silly poll, so 
I hope you'll all find this next one much more interesting. This week I'm 
asking you to choose, in your own opinion, the single most *innovative* 
thing the Pet Shop Boys have ever done. In other words, which song, album, 
video, stage show, or whatever was the most original, most unusual, most 
visionary, or most ahead of its time? (Not necessarily the *best*, mind 
you.) Now, of course it's impossible for me to list all the things that you 
might choose from. But I have listed more than two dozen things that strike 
me as especially innovative. And if you have something else in mind, you can 
still pick one of the "Something else" options available. So please mull 
this over and then, when you're ready, make your choice right there on my 
home page.

Thanks to everyone who voted in last week's survey! And I hope you all have 
a most enjoyable -- if not innovative -- week ahead!


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