[Trash-talk] Fwd: Question for seller -- Item #923591651

Slava Slava <deepshadow@freemail.ru>
Mon, 2 Dec 2002 12:46:39 +0300

More probably it's fake! Shirley's 'S' letter not like this:
higher part of her letter has more steep slopping. Other signs
are different with original too, it's obviously.. especially Duke's
KW> Yeah, I would have to agree, being a graphology enthusiast myself.
KW> I'm not too convinced on the guitar either though. I'm not very
KW> familiar with their real signatures, but if you compare the e,
KW> k, and i in all the sigs on the guitar they are very similar,
KW> suggesting to me that they were most likely done by the same person.
KW> The small loops in the bottom of the capital B and D are also
KW> the same.
