[Introspective] Final results of poll on buying the PSB album reissues

Wayne Studer psbfan at geowayne.com
Fri Jun 30 21:08:34 PDT 2017

As I mentioned the other day, I'm making the switch from my old PSB poll 
to a new one a little early on account of something unexpected coming up 
that makes it impossible for me to do the "switch" tomorrow as 
originally planned. So -- the final results are in for my poll of the 
past two weeks (well, one day shy of two weeks), in which I asked my 
site visitors whether they were planning to buy the upcoming reissues of 
the Pet Shop Boys albums Nightlife, Release, and Fundamental. And, not 
surprisingly, the response that received the most votes was:

* "Yes, I'm buying all of them!" picked by a whopping 71.5% of the voters.

To see the complete results, please visit my "Commentary" site at 
http://www.geowayne.com/psbhtml.htm and select one of the "Past Survey 
Results" options in the top navigation bar or click the appropriate link 
on my "What's New?" page.

My new poll for the next two weeks asks you to imagine yourself in the 
following scenario -- You've been asked by a DJ to put together a 
"killer, kick-ass dance set" -- to which people will actually be dancing 
-- consisting of exactly *five* Pet Shop Boys songs, most of which had 
made it onto the Billboard Dance Club Songs chart (or its antecedents by 
other names). So which five would you pick? Please take a few moments to 
check out the choices I've made available to you right there on my home 
page and make your selections. And thanks so much to porkchopkid for 
suggesting this great question (which I've modified a bit from his 
original suggestion).

Thanks as well to everyone who voted in last week's poll. I wish you all 
a wonderful weekend and a great week ahead. (And please note that I will 
be unavailable -- pretty much out of touch, without access to my 
computer or my website -- for the next two days. I hope to be back, 
however, by Monday.)


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