[Introspective] Final results of poll on relative overall quality of "Super"

Wayne Studer psbfan at geowayne.com
Sat Apr 30 22:06:11 PDT 2016

The final results are in for my poll this past week, in which I asked my 
site visitors their overall general opinion of the Pet Shop Boys' most 
recent studio album "Super" in terms of its relative quality compared to 
their other albums. And those results are most unusual in that there 
turned out to be a tie for first place -- and extremely rare occurrence 
within my weekly surveys! So the responses that received the most votes 

* "It may not be their best, but I think it's one of their better albums"
* "I think it's pretty much an 'average' PSB album, with about as many 
other PSB albums that are better as ones that aren't as good," each of 
which was selected by 35.3% of the voters.

To see the complete results, please visit my "Commentary" site at 
http://www.geowayne.com/psbhtml.htm and select one of the "Past Survey 
Results" options in the top navigation bar or click the appropriate link 
on my "What's New?" page.

My new poll for the week ahead is something of a rerun of a question 
that I asked as recently as December 2013. But it makes perfect sense to 
ask again in the wake of "Super." Previously I asked voters how they 
felt about Neil's idea that the then-recent "Electric" might be the 
first in a possible trilogy of PSB albums produced by Stuart Price. Now 
that two-thirds of that possible trilogy is complete and you've heard 
how it turns out for two albums rather than just one, I'm asking whether 
you think Price should indeed produce the next PSB studio album, thereby 
making this trilogy a reality? So please take a moment to make your 
choice from the options provided right there on my home page.

In the meantime, thanks to everyone who voted in last week's survey! And 
I hope you all have a fantastic week ahead!


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