[Introspective] Hello

TheGardner thegardner at psb-catalogue.com
Mon Sep 24 07:22:10 PDT 2012

> I'm sure Steffen can come to the rescue here and point
> to the Introspective archive from back in those days...
> before Jeffrey Durst chased off 80% of the members.

sure ;-), but there isn't all the stuff from the 90s I'm afraid:


as of Jeffrey Dust:
He's fine now I think! Someone would say, he's growing up a bit, but I guess 
that wouldn't match it completly!
Used to have some short chats with him from time to time, whenever he had 
some PSB related questions or some requests for rare tracks. Very friendly 
and cheerful nowadays - so he's fine now I think!

And for the collectors around here: These WINNER 8,9 and 10track CD-Rs all 
supposed to be fakes, so beware of them!!! Save your money for the WINNER 7" 
promo vinyl, which should appear next on the official page (I think), cause 
they hold 500 of the 1000 pressed vinyls back in the PSB shop! Question is 
now: how will they put these out...??? Shop?? Competition?? We will know it 
in a few weeks I think!
PSB's currently in the process of recording the next album/compilation, 
which should be something "Relentless/Disco5-esque" kind-a-thing....

Cheers :-)

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