[Introspective] Final results of poll on whether "Paninaro" is satirical

Wayne Studer psbfan at earthlink.net
Sat May 28 22:16:37 PDT 2011

The final results are in for my poll this past week, in which I asked my 
site visitors whether they agree with the assertion in a recent online 
article that the Pet Shop Boys' song "Paninaro" is "satirical." And the 
response that received the most votes -- a clear majority -- was:

* "No," picked by 58.1% of the voters.

To see the complete results, please visit my "Commentary" site at 
http://www.geowayne.com/psbhtml.htm and click the "Past Survey Results" 
button in the left navigation bar.

My new poll for the week ahead may seem to some folks a little disrespectful 
to one or both of the Boys. But that's certainly not what I have in mind. 
I'm simply wondering how you regard Chris's and Neil's respective 
contributions -- quantified as percentages -- to the success of the Pet Shop 
Boys. And you can define "success" however you see fit: commercially, 
financially, artistically, whatever you think, or some combination thereof. 
Do you think one has contributed more than the other, or the same? What's 
more, I'm also asking you to consider collectively anyone or anything *other 
than* Neil and Chris themselves and how he, she, it, and/or they have also 
contributed to PSB success. Of course, since we're dealing with percentages, 
the sum of these three -- Chris, Neil, and "Other" -- must be 100%. So 
please mull this over and, when you're ready, enter the figures you wish 
right there on my home page. I hope you'll take this survey in the playful 
spirit in which it's offered and have fun with it.

Meanwhile, thanks to everyone who voted in last week's survey! And I hope 
you all have a fantastic week ahead!


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