[Introspective] "The Rating Project: Relentless (plus)" ends soon

psbfan psbfan at earthlink.net
Fri May 23 14:13:28 PDT 2003

Hey there! Tomorrow (Saturday) is the last full day of my current PSB
survey: Part 6 of my "Rating Project," which this week has focused on
"Relentless" and three non-album singles of the 1990s. If you haven't yet
taken part in this survey by providing your 0-10 rating of each of the
songs (0 = "one of the worst PSB songs ever" and 10 = "one of the very
best"), please take a moment and visit my "Commentary" site at
http://www.geowayne.com/psbhtml.htm and mark your ballot right there on the
home page.

On Sunday I will end this survey, announce the final rating averages, and
then continue with the next round of ratings (on Disc 1 of "Alternative").

Thanks to everyone who has voted so far. And I hope you all have a terrific


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