[Trash-talk] Daniel

Alan Hoppe achoppe at earthlink.net
Tue Feb 25 16:09:14 PST 2003

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Shaw" <Bill.Shaw at hds.com>

> According to virtually any and all press Garbage ever got in the last 8
> years, Daniel was never in the band in the first place!  He isn't in *any*
> promo photos of the band (that I am aware of), and is rarely even
> in any newspaper or magazine articles about the band.  It's always the
> thing: "Scottish singer Shirley Manson, and her 3 Wisconsin band mates
> Vig, Steve Marker, and Duke Erikson...."

Yeah, it's pretty much the Garbage fans who scratch beneath the surface of
the band's info who know about Daniel, since (as you said) he hasn't been
recognised as a member of the band. The only public shots of the band with
Daniel that I can think of are : the one of the band when they performed on
Saturday Night Live and one on the official website's image gallery - the
shot with Shirley at the mic, not facing the camera, the dark background,
and she's wearing a green coat, and all the guys are with their instruments,
including Daniel. I remember seeing that shot and thinking "maybe they'll
slowly introduce Daniel into band promo photography". But neither that shot
nor the SNL shot are really promo photos.

Also, wasn't there an apparent decision to exclude him from the "I Think I'm
Paranoid" video? It seemed at the time like an "image" decision. Like they
were deciding whether or not to include him in the public's perception of
Garbage's official lineup. But that's just my own speculation.

> As far as the live touring band is concerned, yes we all know Daniel was
> integral part. But as far as the mainstream press, even the record company
> itself, Daniel was ignored and never recognized as a proper member of the
> band.

Yeah, I think the songwriting credits would be the bottomest of lines. He
was never an acknowledged member, and the only line that really ever blurred
this would be the fan perception.

> I don't blame him for leaving.  I'm sure it was fun for him, but must've
> been frustrating to some degree as well.  He spent years of his life
> with Garbage, but never really got proper recognition for it.  Time to
> on...

I wonder how much of that sentiment he holds. I've always wondered. I really
don't need to know, but I've always wondered.

BTW, Bass Player magazine had a story on the "making of beautifulgarbage"
that featured him. So I guess this too made me wonder if he was going to
move into a recognised role in the band, publically etc.

I forget what A&R means.

> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Ian Abbott [mailto:iabbott at ruiner.demon.co.uk]
> >
> > Dan has left G. He's going to be an A&R geezer...
> > Heard this straight from the Boys a couple of weeks ago.

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