[Introspective] Final results of poll on "unperformed" 1985-95 PSB songs you'd most like them to perform live

Wayne Studer psbfan at geowayne.com
Sat Nov 11 22:01:16 PST 2017

The final results are in for my poll of the past week, in which I asked 
my site visitors to pick, from the songs the Pet Shop Boys released 
during the period 1985-1995 but which they have never performed live, 
the five they would most like to hear PSB perform live at some point in 
the near future. And the six songs that received the most votes -- I'm 
listing six rather than five because there was a tie for fifth place -- are:

* "I Want to Wake Up," chosen by 40.0% of the voters,
* "Miserablism," picked by 38.8%,
* "The End of the World," selected by 35.9%,
* "Bet She's Not Your Girlfriend," picked by 30.1%, and
* "I Want a Dog" and "A Different Point of View," each chosen by 27.6% 
of the voters.

To see the complete results, please visit my "Commentary" site at 
http://www.geowayne.com/psbhtml.htm and select one of the "Past Survey 
Results" options in the top navigation bar or click the appropriate link 
on my "What's New?" page.

My new poll for the week ahead is a direct sequel of last week's. I'm 
asking the exact same question again, only this time the song choices 
come from those released by the Boys during the years 1996-2001 (with 
two exceptions from before 1996 -- songs I had inadvertently left out 
from among last week's choices even though they "qualified"). Once 
again, which five would you most like PSB to perform live? So please, 
when you get the chance check out the list there on my home page and 
make your choices.

In the meantime, thanks to everyone who voted in last week's survey! And 
I hope you all have a fantastic week ahead!


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