[Introspective] Neil interview on OMH

John R. Barker john_r_barker at hotmail.com
Tue Mar 24 09:49:33 PDT 2009

Oh come on now!  The PSB aren't 'in business' to sell anything???
Who's the one who isn't making any sense logically now?

I guess the boys should just give all their music away and perform for free....
Nah, they don't need to make a living.  What was I thinking? LOL

Just because you disagree with a publication doesn't mean it can't be used for marketing purposes. 
I highly doubt ALL the advertisers in political publications (from Mother Jones to National Review) agree with everything that is published in them.
But it doesn't stop the advertisers for sponsoring the publication and reaching out to their readers, whatever their political points of view may be.

You may disagree with the DM but it's hardly any more slanted than the other major papers are, although in a different direction.

Let's be realistic here...

Why bother selling CDs or music at all then, to either individuals or organizations, that PSB may personally disagree or have issues with?
Because you might sway those individuals to your point of view or at least influence them?  

C'mon John, I don't disagree at all with using the Daily Mail as an avenue to distribute a free CD, but you are just not making any sense logically.  

Did you not learn anything about the Boys from PSB vs. America?

 Either you're in business to sell your product and earn a living, or you're a quasi-activist who purposely places limitations your potential by

avoiding all possible demographics you can service.

PSB are not "in business" of selling anything to earn a living, they are doing more than well for themselves.
I have a feeling the boys are in the former camp....just a hunch LOL

After all, people treating the DM like it's some kind of paramilitary neo-nazi organization...sheesh.  Let's be rational here.
It's not like this CD appeared in the latest KKK monthly. 

We're talking about a major, major publication.
since when is major = good?  Did you not learn anything from Integral?

Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2009 15:46:49 +0000
Subject: Re: [Introspective] Neil interview on OMH
From: svelteness at gmail.com

To: john_r_barker at hotmail.com
CC: derekbd1970 at gmail.com; introspective at lists.jameslick.com

2009/3/24 John R. Barker <john_r_barker at hotmail.com>

What's the big deal anyway about where/how the free CD is given away? 
The important thing is that it was given out to begin with.

Let's not look a gift horse in the mouth ;)

Yeah, cos integrity's, like, soooo passé, maaaan.

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